An Object-Oriented Platform for Arduino Programming
ICMP Ping support class.
HTTP support classes HTTP::Server and HTTP::Client.
MQTT V3.1 client support class MQTT::Client.
NEXA Wireless Protocol sender and receiver.
Network Time Protocol (NTP) to access clock on internet server.
Coroutine based multi-tasking; threads, semaphore, mutex and actors.
The Cosa implementation of Google ProtocolBuffer data streaming.
Cosa implementation of protothreads; A protothread is a low-overhead mechanism for concurrent programming. Protothreads function as stackless, lightweight threads providing a blocking context using minimal memory per protothread. Cosa/ProtoThread supports event to thread mapping and timers (class ProtoThread).
Command line parse and execution support.
Small Network Management Protocol agent support class (SNMP).
Telnet server support class.
ThingSpeak channel and talkback support class.
UML actors classes and run-time.